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Barbarian Press
Past Publications

Wood engraving by Andy English
(from The Eve of St. Agnes, 2003)

Many of the titles published by Barbarian Press in the past are now out of print. Descriptions and publication details of some of those titles are available here for your perusal.

Please note that all of these books are

And much more, not ourselves:
The work of Jan & Crispin Elsted

Winter 2005

Please note that patrons and subscribers will receive a copy of this pamphnet hors commerce.

In 2002, the press celebrated 25 years of existence. In November 2004, Simon Fraser University and the Alcuin Society of Canada co-hosted an evening of celebration of the press, combining an exhibition of the press’s books from its first quarter century with a Festspiel in which four speakers gave an account of their personal reminiscences of the press and their friendships with us. The speakers were Celia Duthie, an eminent Vancouver bookseller, Scott McIntyre, a leading Canadian publisher, David Bond, a prominent Canadian economist and a long-time collector of the press’s books, and Robert Bringhurst, an esteemed poet, translator, typographer, and book designer – and one of the press’s authors as well. All were gratifying and rewarding, but Robert’s typically spread the net a little wider than just Barbarian Press, and discussed a cultural context which made us feel at once most honoured and extremely humble. For this reason it seemed to us that others who were not there to hear the talk that evening should be given the opportunity to read it.

With his permission, we have printed Robert’s essay in the form of a pamphlet, and offer copies to those who enjoy beautifully turned, witty, and provocative prose. Significantly, although the pamphlet was designed by Crispin, it was hand-set and printed by the most recent of our apprentices, Elizabeth Bachinsky, herself a poet and editor. In this way one of the most important elements of the press’s life, its institution as a teaching press, is continued and celebrated as well.

We are grateful to Robert Bringhurst and to Elizabeth Bachinsky, and to Simon Fraser University and the Alcuin Society, who made this possible.

Bembo, Seria Sans, and Chinese script with Optima for display in red and black on Frankfurt Cream laid paper, sewn into wraps of Bugra Chamois, printed in red on the upper cover.
8 1/4 by 6 1/4 inches [210 by 159mm]
16 pages. 120 copies.
C$20 / approx. US$18 / £10     OUT OF PRINT