‘From the beginning, publishing private press books that collectors actually want to hold and read, over and over again, has always been the Barbarian Press stock-in-trade.’ Jack Katz, Subscriber
Barbarian Press
the continuing saga...
An Eye Made Quiet, dedicated to our grandson, Michael Daniel, born on November 30, 2023, is now in print. It comprises odes, lyrics, and sonnets by William Wordsworth that recreate the natural world, often through the eyes of childhood. An Afterword by Jan Elsted reflects on Wordworth’s ‘spots of time’, and how looking into Michael’s eyes brought such timeless experiences to mind again.
Two of our Loose Canons pamphlets featuring neglected poets will be published in February: the first, a second edition of the poetry of Elinor Wylie from our earlier version of Loose Canons One, is expanded from 6 poems to 18; Loose Canons Two features poems by E.A. Robinson, with a focus on his long dramatic monologue ‘Ben Jonson Entertains a Man from Stratford’. Both will be available by the end of February.
Pastoral Elegies, our edition of Thomas Gray’s ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’ and Oliver Goldsmith’s ‘The Deserted Village’, illustrated by renowned English wood engraver Christopher Wormell and published last summer, has received a warm reception from our subscribers. Copies are still available for sale.
Meanwhile, Bordering on the Sublime: Ornamental Typography, the Printing Revival, and The Curwen Press continues to move inexorably and gracefully forward. As of January 2025, more than 200 pages have so far been printed, with a further 40 or so of the main text to complete, along with the appendices (an annotated bibliography, a facsimile of Sarah Clutton’s 1960 essay on type ornament, and a catalogue of type flowers used in the book) and a general index. We now project completion of the printing by late 2025.
Please go to BOOKS IN PRINT and BOOKS FORTHCOMING to see images and descriptions of all these publications. Also note the PRESS NEWS, now updated.
Utile Dulci

An Eye Made Quiet

Loose Canons One and Two

Pastoral Elegies

Wayzgoose Pamphlet Number Two

Wayzgoose Pamphlet Number One